21st Street Bike Rack Blog

A blog about the bike rack on West 21st Street between 8th and 9th Avenues in New York City, and about urban bike usage, bike theft, and security

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Originally uploaded by jimn.
Here's a Raleigh 20 folding bike, in decent but well-used shape. It's locked with the Kryptonite New York chain, or whatever they call teh square-link chain now, and a small Kryptonite U-lock. The front wheel was locked with a 1/2 inch cable which was cut. The front wheel was unbolted and taken.

Who is going to go to all this trouble for a 30-year-old steel 12-inch wheel? Plenty of people don't even lock both wheels, and often the unlocked one's quick-release!

Then again, bike thieves aren't always too smart. I know a guy who came out to find his wheel unbolted -- the thief didn't notice it was locked.


Blogger Web said...

I'm of the opinion that you have to be either really stupid, really desperate or both to steal. We'll probably never know what that thief could possibly have been thinking.

Larry Lagarde
Urging bicycling for recreation, commuting, health and a better future.

9:43 PM  

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